Do you feel like your energy has been drained when you're in a room full of people?

Do you feel like your energy has been drained when you're in a room full of people?

Have you ever walked into a room and all of a sudden felt nauseous ?

Have you ever walked into a room and all of a sudden felt nauseous ?

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and felt like you had the life sucked out of you?

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and felt like you had the life sucked out of you?

Do you get exhausted being around negative people?

Do you get exhausted being around negative people?

"I've been extremely sensitive my whole life. I walked around with a stomachache almost all the time.  I was also very angry and very reactive and I always felt like an outsider looking in.

People didn't understand me, which frustrated me even more.  As a child, because I was so emotional, I got into fights and was in trouble a lot.  Kids who didn't know me thought I was stuck up, but what was really going on was that I had low self esteem and was extremely shy. If I went to a party, I would be backed-up against a wall, quietly observing everyone around me and I would never approach anyone.

I felt sensitive around people and places where I sensed negative energy or fear to the point where it actually made me sick at times.  Finding out that I wasn't crazy and what I was feeling was real, was a huge relief. 

I finally found a simple tool the size of a pen that I can carry around in my purse, use for 30 seconds and not be affected by anything or anyone around me.  I feel like a new person and now I can be around large groups of people without feeling sick or drained.  This tool has made such a huge difference in my life and my environment that I contacted the inventor and am now the sole master distributor."    ~ Bonnie Gayle

"I've been extremely sensitive my whole life. I walked around with a stomachache almost all the time.  I was also very angry and very reactive and I always felt like an outsider looking in.

People didn't understand me, which frustrated me even more.  As a child, because I was so emotional, I got into fights and was in trouble a lot.  Kids who didn't know me thought I was stuck up, but what was really going on was that I had low self esteem and was extremely shy. If I went to a party, I would be backed-up against a wall, quietly observing everyone around me and I would never approach anyone.

I felt sensitive around people and places where I sensed negative energy or fear to the point where it actually made me sick at times.  Finding out that I wasn't crazy and what I was feeling was real, was a huge relief. 

I finally found a simple tool the size of a pen that I can carry around in my purse, use for 30 seconds and not be affected by anything or anyone around me.  I feel like a new person and now I can be around large groups of people without feeling sick or drained.  This tool has made such a huge difference in my life and my environment that I contacted the inventor and am now the sole master distributor."    ~ Bonnie Gayle

The Violet Flame Clearing Laser can benefit you too ... 

  • Clear negative energy from yourself, your pets, your kids, your living space, your car & any place else you go so that you outside people, places and things don't drain your energy or make you sick.
  • Clear negative energy in your living space so that your family and your pets live in harmony.
  • Clear real estate for sale or rental so that your house rents or sells quicker
  • Clear out negative energy from hospitals, hospice and nursing homes so that past fears, worries and even death doesn't affect you or the patients.
  • Clear office spaces for increased productivity and clarity when you work
  • Clear out classrooms so you can learn easier and more effectively
  • Clear your car, especially if you find yourself raging at other drivers
  • Clear used clothing and anything you purchase that someone else owned so that you don't pick up residual energy from the previous owner
  • Clear yourself after having a confrontational conversation or a fight so that you don't feel angry all day.
  • Clear yourself if you feel drained or low energy
  • Clear yourself if you need a pick-me-up
  • Clear yourself if you feel as if you are getting sick
  • Clear yourself every morning so you start the day out right

The Violet Flame Clearing Laser can benefit you too ... 

  • Clear negative energy from yourself, your pets, your kids, your living space, your car & any place else you go so that you outside people, places and things don't drain your energy or make you sick.
  • Clear negative energy in your living space so that your family and your pets live in harmony.
  • Clear real estate for sale or rental so that your house rents or sells quicker
  • Clear out negative energy from hospitals, hospice and nursing homes so that past fears, worries and even death doesn't affect you or the patients.
  • Clear office spaces for increased productivity and clarity when you work
  • Clear out classrooms so you can learn easier and more effectively
  • Clear your car, especially if you find yourself raging at other drivers
  • Clear used clothing and anything you purchase that someone else owned so that you don't pick up residual energy from the previous owner
  • Clear yourself after having a confrontational conversation or a fight so that you don't feel angry all day.
  • Clear yourself if you feel drained or low energy
  • Clear yourself if you need a pick-me-up
  • Clear yourself if you feel as if you are getting sick
  • Clear yourself every morning so you start the day out right

What our clients say:

What our clients say:

"When we began to visit it was very evident Bonnie understood me on a deeper level and I felt very comfortable speaking transparently. At the time I was holding a lot of anxious tension in my body. The laser she used released most of the tension and put me at ease. My anxiety decreased dramatically after Bonnie used the laser and guided me with compassion and understanding".  ~ Casey

"When we began to visit it was very evident Bonnie understood me on a deeper level and I felt very comfortable speaking transparently. At the time I was holding a lot of anxious tension in my body. The laser she used released most of the tension and put me at ease. My anxiety decreased dramatically after Bonnie used the laser and guided me with compassion and understanding".  ~ Casey

"After using the Violet Flame Clearing Laser in all the bedrooms at my house, not only did I have a restful sleep (which isn't usually the case) but I actually slept through the entire night! Thank you so much for letting me know about this great little tool I can take with me anywhere!"  ~ Maggie

"After using the Violet Flame Clearing Laser in all the bedrooms at my house, not only did I have a restful sleep (which isn't usually the case) but I actually slept through the entire night! Thank you so much for letting me know about this great little tool I can take with me anywhere!"  ~ Maggie



Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


If you have been told all your life that you are: 

  • Overly sensitive and too emotional
  • Wear your heart on your sleeve
  • Feel other people's feelings
  • Get overwhelmed by negativity and being in crowded places
  • Are easily affected by watching or reading tragic news events 
  • Are sensitive to stimulants and medications
  • Frequently have lower back and digestive problems
  • Are the dumping ground for other people's problems
  • Are easily fatigued 
  • Get bored easily 
  • Are highly creative, imaginative and loving 


If you have been told all your life that you are: 

  • Overly sensitive and too emotional
  • Wear your heart on your sleeve
  • Feel other people's feelings
  • Get overwhelmed by negativity and being in crowded places
  • Are easily affected by watching or reading tragic news events 
  • Are sensitive to stimulants and medications
  • Frequently have lower back and digestive problems
  • Are the dumping ground for other people's problems
  • Are easily fatigued 
  • Get bored easily 
  • Are highly creative, imaginative and loving 

Introducing ...

  The Violet Flame Clearing Laser -

                The must-have tool for empaths & highly sensitive people


Introducing ...

  The Violet Flame Clearing Laser -

                The must-have tool for empaths & highly sensitive people


So what are you waiting for?

So what are you waiting for?

Why be overly emotional and sensitive to people, places, and outside forces when you don't have to.  The Violet Flame Clearing Laser makes it easy and effortless for you to be around large groups of people, negative people and stressful situations without draining your energy or making you feel like you're ready to pull your hair out.

Why be overly emotional and sensitive to people, places, and outside forces when you don't have to.  The Violet Flame Clearing Laser makes it easy and effortless for you to be around large groups of people, negative people and stressful situations without draining your energy or making you feel like you're ready to pull your hair out.

The Violet Flame Clearing Laser Guarantee:

The Violet Flame Clearing Laser comes with a 30 day 100% money back guarantee. No questions asked!  You will experience for yourself how much better you will feel even when you are in a room full of people filled with fear, in personal high stress situations or being around someone who sucks your energy. Your friends may even ask you what you are doing differently because they notice you’re not as sensitive or so reactive to stressful situations.  It’s for these reasons we love the Violet Flame Clearing Laser.

The Violet Flame Clearing Laser Guarantee:

The Violet Flame Clearing Laser comes with a 30 day 100% money back guarantee. No questions asked!  You will experience for yourself how much better you will feel even when you are in a room full of people filled with fear, in personal high stress situations or being around someone who sucks your energy. Your friends may even ask you what you are doing differently because they notice you’re not as sensitive or so reactive to stressful situations.  It’s for these reasons we love the Violet Flame Clearing Laser.

Note:  We will describe the features of our products as possible results that may happen when you are using the Violet Flame Clearing Laser.  The lasers work with subtle energy which is can be experienced differently from person to person.  All of the listed possible benefits have been reported on many occasions with the use of the Violet Flame Clearing laser. Individual response my vary.


How to use the Violet Flame Clearing Laser?   

  • For Safety Reasons - Before turning the laser on (just press the little metal button), notice that the light will come from the tip.  Make sure the tip is pointed toward the ground and NEVER SHINE THE LIGHT IN ANYONE’S EYES INCLUDING YOUR PET.  Also, keep children away from lasers – they are not toys.
  • To clear yourself - You can shine the light everywhere else on your body.  We like to start with the feet and move it up the body making sure to clear each body part, except the eyes.  When you shine the laser anywhere on your face keep your eyes closed and do not point toward the eyelids.  The process should take a maximum of 30 seconds.
  • To clear a room – shine the light on the floor, the walls, and ceiling for about 10-30 seconds.


How far away should you hold the laser from the object you are clearing?  It doesn’t really matter, it could be inches or feet

  •  Is there any dangerous radiation emitted from the Violet Flame Clearing Laser? Lasers emit light through activation of a diode. There is NO electromagnetic field (EMF) emitted by a low energy cold laser!


What kind of batteries does it use?  

  • Replace the 2 AAA batteries when the light begins to look weak.




Note:  We will describe the features of our products as possible results that may happen when you are using the Violet Flame Clearing Laser.  The lasers work with subtle energy which is can be experienced differently from person to person.  All of the listed possible benefits have been reported on many occasions with the use of the Violet Flame Clearing laser. Individual response my vary.


How to use the Violet Flame Clearing Laser?   

  • For Safety Reasons - Before turning the laser on (just press the little metal button), notice that the light will come from the tip.  Make sure the tip is pointed toward the ground and NEVER SHINE THE LIGHT IN ANYONE’S EYES INCLUDING YOUR PET.  Also, keep children away from lasers – they are not toys.
  • To clear yourself - You can shine the light everywhere else on your body.  We like to start with the feet and move it up the body making sure to clear each body part, except the eyes.  When you shine the laser anywhere on your face keep your eyes closed and do not point toward the eyelids.  The process should take a maximum of 30 seconds.
  • To clear a room – shine the light on the floor, the walls, and ceiling for about 10-30 seconds.


How far away should you hold the laser from the object you are clearing?  It doesn’t really matter, it could be inches or feet

  •  Is there any dangerous radiation emitted from the Violet Flame Clearing Laser? Lasers emit light through activation of a diode. There is NO electromagnetic field (EMF) emitted by a low energy cold laser!


What kind of batteries does it use?  

  • Replace the 2 AAA batteries when the light begins to look weak.





The device mentioned here is NOT a medical device. It has not been approved by the FDA.  The device listed here is an experimental energetic tool only. It is not intended to treat, cure or be a substitute for medical attention in any way. If you have a health-related condition or concern about any health condition, please contact your health care provider promptly.



The device mentioned here is NOT a medical device. It has not been approved by the FDA.  The device listed here is an experimental energetic tool only. It is not intended to treat, cure or be a substitute for medical attention in any way. If you have a health-related condition or concern about any health condition, please contact your health care provider promptly.